1. Disease Information : Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease i.e.which can be transmitted from animals to human and vice versa, the disease is caused by bacteria Brucella species. Economically important livestock animals like cattle, pig, sheep, goat, dogs etc are the susceptible host, It causes abortion at different stages of pregnancy in female animals, which is the cardinal feature of the disease, this abortion may be followed by retention of placenta. Infection in male animals may encountered orchitis, epididymitis with a painful swelling of the scrotal sac, ultimately resulting in sterility, Brucellosis is widespread and of major economic importance in most countries of the world, particularly amongst dairy cattle.
2. Brucellosis in Mizoram : In Mizoram, there is no studies on Brucellosis, In 2013 milk ring test was done in areas surroundings Aizawl City, from which some of the sample tested were found positive which are in need of future studies.
3. BCP in Mizoram : Brucellosis Control Programme was implemented for the first time in Mizoram in the year, 2011 – 2012. Due to unavailability of fund allocation, the programe was discontinued till the year 2015-2016. After obtaining Fund allocation from the Government of India, for the year 2015-2016, the Department of A.H. & Vety. Is intending to reimplement the programme w.e.f.2016-2017
4. Activities to be undertaken under BCP are : The Programme will cover all the eight districts in Mizoram.
i) Vaccination : The Department is intending to procure around 5000 doses of Brucella Vaccine and the requisite numbers of instruments like syringes, needles, gloves, glasswares.,etc during the current year.
ii) Strengthening of Laboratory : This includes procurement of ELISA reader, ELISA diagnostic kits and consumable items like micropipette, pipette tips etc.
iii) Screening of serum samples : Screening of seram sample shall be done twice in a year.